.. _Pvwattsv51ts: Pvwattsv51ts ************************** Wrapper for SAM Simulation Core model: `cmod_pvwattsv5_1ts.cpp `_ Creating an Instance ========================= There are three methods to create a new instance of a PySAM module. Using ``default`` populates the newclass' attributes with default values specific to a ``config``. Each technology-financialconfiguration corresponds to a SAM GUI configuration. Using ``new`` creates an instance with empty attributes. The ``wrap`` function allows compatibility with PySSC, for details, refer to :doc:`../PySSC`. **Pvwattsv51ts model description** .. automodule:: PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts :members: Functions ========================= .. autoclass:: PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.Pvwattsv51ts :members: PVWatts Group ============== .. autoclass:: PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.Pvwattsv51ts.PVWatts :members: SystemDesign Group ============== .. autoclass:: PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.Pvwattsv51ts.SystemDesign :members: Outputs Group ============== .. autoclass:: PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.Pvwattsv51ts.Outputs :members: