
Wrapper for SAM Simulation Core model: cmod_wfcsvconv.cpp

Input Consistency Warning

As described in Possible Problems, some input parameters are interdependent but the equations that enforce consistency are not available in this PySAM module. Therefore, the onus is on the PySAM user to check that interdependencies are correctly handled. The variables which may require additional logic include:

Provided for each of these inputs is a list of other inputs that are potentially interdependent.

Creating an Instance

Refer to the Initializing a Model page for details on the different ways to create an instance of a PySAM class.

Wfcsvconv model description


PySAM.Wfcsvconv.default(config) → Wfcsvconv

Use default attributes None

PySAM.Wfcsvconv.from_existing(data, optional config) → Wfcsvconv

Share underlying data with an existing PySAM class. If config provided, default attributes are loaded otherwise. → Wfcsvconv
PySAM.Wfcsvconv.wrap(ssc_data_t) → Wfcsvconv

Use existing PySSC data


Do not call PySSC.data_free on the ssc_data_t provided to wrap


class PySAM.Wfcsvconv.Wfcsvconv

This class contains all the variable information for running a simulation. Variables are grouped together in the subclasses as properties. If property assignments are the wrong type, an error is thrown.

assign(dict) → None

Assign attributes from nested dictionary, except for Outputs

nested_dict = { 'Weather File Converter': { var: val, ...}, ...}

execute(int verbosity) → None

Execute simulation with verbosity level 0 (default) or 1

export() → dict

Export attributes into nested dictionary

unassign(name) → None

Unassign a value in any of the variable groups.

value(name, optional value) → Union[None, float, dict, sequence, str]

Get or set by name a value in any of the variable groups.

WeatherFileConverter Group

class PySAM.Wfcsvconv.Wfcsvconv.WeatherFileConverter
assign() → None

Assign attributes from dictionary

WeatherFileConverter_vals = { var: val, ...}

export() → dict

Export attributes into dictionary


Input weather file name

Info: tmy2,tmy3,intl,epw,smw

Required: True


Output file name

Required: False


Output file name format

Info: recognizes $city $state $country $type $loc

Required: False


Output folder

Required: False
