BatteryStateful has two major differences from the Battery module: 1) it contains only the “physical” component models of the battery (thermal, voltage, capacity, lifetime) and none of the dispatch methods (peak shaving, etc) of the Battery module; 2) the Battery module runs annual or multi-year simulations in a single execution, whereas BatteryStateful is run one timestep at a time using control variables, current or power, and can be run at sub-minute timesteps.
- PySAM.BatteryStateful.default(config) BatteryStateful
Load defaults for the configuration
. Available configurations are:“LFPGraphite”
Some inputs do not have default values and may be assigned a value from the variable’s Required attribute. See variable attribute descriptions below.
- PySAM.BatteryStateful.from_existing(data, optional config) BatteryStateful
Share data with an existing PySAM class. If
optional config
is a valid configuration name, load the module’s defaults for that configuration.
- BatteryStateful
- PySAM.BatteryStateful.wrap(ssc_data_t) BatteryStateful
Load data from a PySSC object.
Do not call PySSC.data_free on the ssc_data_t provided to
BatteryStateful is a wrapper for the SSC compute module cmod_battery_stateful.cpp
Interdependent Variables
The variables listed below are interdependent with other variables. If you change the value of one of these variables, you may need to change values of other variables. The SAM user interface manages these interdependent variables, but in PySAM, it is up to you change the value of all interdependent variables so they are consistent. See Interdependent Variables for examples and details.
- class PySAM.BatteryStateful.BatteryStateful
This class contains all the variable information for running a simulation. Variables are grouped together in the subclasses as properties. If property assignments are the wrong type, an error is thrown.
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from nested dictionary, except for Outputs
nested_dict = { 'Controls': { var: val, ...}, ...}
- execute(int verbosity) None
Execute simulation with verbosity level 0 (default) or 1
- export() dict
Export attributes into nested dictionary
- get_data_ptr() Pointer
Get ssc_data_t pointer
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from nested dictionary, except for Outputs. Unassigns all values in each Group then assigns from the input dict.
nested_dict = { 'Controls': { var: val, ...}, ...}
- setup() None
Setup parameters in simulation
- unassign(name) None
Unassign a value in any of the variable groups.
- value(name, optional value) None | float | dict | sequence | str
Get or set by name a value in any of the variable groups.
Controls Group
- class PySAM.BatteryStateful.BatteryStateful.Controls
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from dictionary, overwriting but not removing values.
Controls_vals = { var: val, ...}
- export() dict
Export attributes into dictionary.
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from dictionary, unassigning values not present in input
.Controls_vals = { var: val, ...}
- control_mode
Control using current (0) or power (1) [0/1]
Required: True
- Type:
- dt_hr
Time step in hours [hr]
Required: True
- Type:
- input_current
Current at which to run battery [A]
Required: Required if control_mode=0
- Type:
- input_power
Power at which to run battery [kW]
Required: Required if control_mode=1
- Type:
ParamsCell Group
- class PySAM.BatteryStateful.BatteryStateful.ParamsCell
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from dictionary, overwriting but not removing values.
ParamsCell_vals = { var: val, ...}
- export() dict
Export attributes into dictionary.
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from dictionary, unassigning values not present in input
.ParamsCell_vals = { var: val, ...}
- C_rate
Rate at which voltage vs. capacity curve input
Required: Required if voltage_choice=0&chem~2
- Type:
- Qexp
Cell capacity at end of exponential zone [Ah]
Required: Required if voltage_choice=0&chem~2
- Type:
- Qfull
Fully charged cell capacity [Ah]
Required: True
- Type:
- Qfull_flow
Fully charged flow battery capacity [Ah]
Required: Required if voltage_choice=0&chem=3
- Type:
- Qnom
Cell capacity at end of nominal zone [Ah]
Required: Required if voltage_choice=0&chem~2
- Type:
- Vcut
Cell cutoff voltage [V]
Required: Required if voltage_choice=0&chem~2
- Type:
- Vexp
Cell voltage at end of exponential zone [V]
Required: Required if voltage_choice=0&chem~2
- Type:
- Vfull
Fully charged cell voltage [V]
Required: Required if voltage_choice=0&chem~2
- Type:
- Vnom
Cell voltage at end of nominal zone [V]
Required: Required if voltage_choice=0&chem~2
- Type:
- Vnom_default
Default nominal cell voltage [V]
Required: True
- Type:
- calendar_a
Calendar life model coefficient [1/sqrt(day)]
Required: Required if life_model=0&calendar_choice=1
- Type:
- calendar_b
Calendar life model coefficient [K]
Required: Required if life_model=0&calendar_choice=1
- Type:
- calendar_c
Calendar life model coefficient [K]
Required: Required if life_model=0&calendar_choice=1
- Type:
- calendar_choice
Calendar life degradation input option [0/1/2]
Options: 0=None,1=LithiumIonModel,2=InputLossTable
Required: Required if life_model=0
- Type:
- calendar_matrix
Table with Day # and Capacity % columns [[[#, %]]]
Required: Required if life_model=0&calendar_choice=2
- Type:
- calendar_q0
Calendar life model initial capacity cofficient
Required: Required if life_model=0&calendar_choice=1
- Type:
- chem
Lead Acid (0), Li Ion (1), Vanadium Redox (2), Iron Flow (3) [0/1/2/3]
Required: True
- Type:
- cycling_matrix
Table with DOD %, Cycle #, and Capacity % columns [[[%, #, %]]]
Required: Required if life_model=0
- Type:
- initial_SOC
Initial state-of-charge [%]
Required: True
- Type:
- leadacid_q10
Capacity at 10-hour discharge rate [Ah]
Required: Required if chem=0
- Type:
- leadacid_q20
Capacity at 20-hour discharge rate [Ah]
Required: Required if chem=0
- Type:
- leadacid_qn
Capacity at discharge rate for n-hour rate [Ah]
Required: Required if chem=0
- Type:
- leadacid_tn
Hours to discharge for qn rate [h]
Required: Required if chem=0
- Type:
- life_model
Battery life model specifier [0/1/2]
Options: 0=calendar/cycle,1=NMC,2=LMO/LTO
Required: True
- Type:
- maximum_SOC
Maximum allowed state-of-charge [%]
Required: True
- Type:
- minimum_SOC
Minimum allowed state-of-charge [%]
Required: True
- Type:
- resistance
Internal resistance [Ohm]
Required: True
- Type:
- voltage_choice
Battery voltage input option [0/1]
Options: 0=Model,1=Table
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- voltage_matrix
Table with depth-of-discharge % and Voltage as columns [[[%, V]]]
Required: Required if voltage_choice=1
- Type:
ParamsPack Group
- class PySAM.BatteryStateful.BatteryStateful.ParamsPack
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from dictionary, overwriting but not removing values.
ParamsPack_vals = { var: val, ...}
- export() dict
Export attributes into dictionary.
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from dictionary, unassigning values not present in input
.ParamsPack_vals = { var: val, ...}
- Cp
Battery specific heat capacity [J/KgK]
Required: True
- Type:
- T_room_init
Temperature of storage room [C]
Required: True
- Type:
- cap_vs_temp
Table with Temperature and Capacity % as columns [[[C,%]]]
Required: Required if life_model=0
- Type:
- h
Heat transfer between battery and environment [W/m2K]
Required: True
- Type:
- loss_choice
Loss power input option [0/1]
Options: 0=Monthly,1=TimeSeries
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- mass
Battery mass [kg]
Required: True
- Type:
- monthly_charge_loss
Battery system losses when charging [[kW]]
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- monthly_discharge_loss
Battery system losses when discharging [[kW]]
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- monthly_idle_loss
Battery system losses when idle [[kW]]
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- nominal_energy
Nominal installed energy [kWh]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
Required: True
- Type:
- nominal_voltage
Nominal DC voltage [V]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
Required: True
- Type:
- replacement_capacity
Capacity degradation at which to replace battery [%]
Required: Required if replacement_option=1
- Type:
- replacement_option
none (0), by capacity (1), or schedule (2) [0=none,1=capacity limit,2=yearly schedule]
Constraints: INTEGER,MIN=0,MAX=2
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- Type:
- replacement_schedule_percent
Percentage of battery capacity to replace in each year [[%/year]]
Options: length <= analysis_period
Required: Required if replacement_option=2
- Type:
- schedule_loss
Battery system losses at each timestep [[kW]]
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- surface_area
Battery surface area [m^2]
Required: True
- Type:
StatePack Group
- class PySAM.BatteryStateful.BatteryStateful.StatePack
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from dictionary, overwriting but not removing values.
StatePack_vals = { var: val, ...}
- export() dict
Export attributes into dictionary.
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from dictionary, unassigning values not present in input
.StatePack_vals = { var: val, ...}
- I
Current [A]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- I_chargeable
Estimated max chargeable current [A]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- I_dischargeable
Estimated max dischargeable current [A]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- P
Power [kW]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- P_chargeable
Estimated max chargeable power [kW]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- P_dischargeable
Estimated max dischargeable power [kW]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- Q
Capacity [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- Q_max
Max Capacity [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
State of Charge [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- T_batt
Battery temperature averaged over time step [C]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- T_room
Room temperature [C]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- V
Voltage [V]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- heat_dissipated
Heat dissipated due to flux [kW]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- indices_replaced
Lifetime indices of replacement occurrences
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- last_idx
Last index (lifetime)
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- loss_kw
Ancillary power loss (kW DC for DC connected, AC for AC connected) [kW]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- n_replacements
Number of replacements at current year
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
StateCell Group
- class PySAM.BatteryStateful.BatteryStateful.StateCell
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from dictionary, overwriting but not removing values.
StateCell_vals = { var: val, ...}
- export() dict
Export attributes into dictionary.
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from dictionary, unassigning values not present in input
.StateCell_vals = { var: val, ...}
- DOD_max
Max DOD of battery for current day [%]
Info: Cycles for Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- DOD_min
Min DOD of battery for current day [%]
Info: Cycles for Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
Total Equivalent Full Cycles [1]
Info: LMO/LTO Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- EFC_dt
Equivalent Full Cycles cumulated for current day [1]
Info: LMO/LTO Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- I_loss
Lifetime and thermal losses [A]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- SOC_prev
State of Charge of last time step [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- T_batt_prev
Battery temperature at end of last time step [C]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- average_range
Average cycle cycle_range [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- b1_dt
b1 coefficient cumulated for current day [day^-0.5]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- b2_dt
b2 coefficient cumulated for current day [1/cycle]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- b3_dt
b3 coefficient cumulated for current day [1]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- c0_dt
c0 coefficient cumulated for current day [Ah]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- c2_dt
c2 coefficient cumulated for current day [1/cycle]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- cell_current
Cell current [A]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- cell_voltage
Cell voltage [V]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- chargeChange
Whether Charge mode changed since last step [0/1]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- charge_mode
Charge (0), Idle (1), Discharge (2) [0/1/2]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- cum_dt
Elapsed time for current day [day]
Info: Cycles for Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- cycle_DOD
cycle_DOD of last cycle [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- cycle_DOD_max
Max DODs of cycles concluded in current day [%]
Info: Cycles for Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- cycle_counts
Counts of cycles by DOD [[%, cycles]]
Options: If life_model=0, counts all cycles in simulation; else, cycles per day
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- cycle_range
Range of last cycle [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- day_age_of_battery
Day age of battery [day]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- dq_relative_cal
Cumulative capacity change from calendar degradation [%]
Info: LMO/LTO Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- dq_relative_calendar_old
Change in capacity of last time step [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- dq_relative_cyc
Cumulative capacity change from cycling degradation [%]
Info: LMO/LTO Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- dq_relative_li1
Cumulative capacity change from time-dependent Li loss [1]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- dq_relative_li2
Cumulative capacity change from cycle-dependent Li loss [1]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- dq_relative_li3
Cumulative capacity change from BOL Li loss [1]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- dq_relative_neg
Cumulative capacity change from negative electrode [1]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- n_cycles
Number of cycles
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- prev_charge
Charge mode of last time step [0/1/2]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q0
Cell capacity at timestep [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q1_0
Lead acid - Cell charge available [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q2
Lead acid - Cell capacity at 10-hr discharge rate [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q2_0
Lead acid - Cell charge bound [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q_relative
Overall relative capacity due to lifetime effects [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q_relative_calendar
Relative capacity due to calendar effects [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q_relative_cycle
Relative capacity due to cycling effects [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q_relative_li
Relative capacity due to loss of lithium inventory [%]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q_relative_neg
Relative capacity due to loss of anode material [%]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- q_relative_thermal
Relative capacity due to thermal effects [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- qmax_lifetime
Maximum possible cell capacity [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- qmax_thermal
Maximum cell capacity adjusted for temperature effects [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- qn
Lead acid - Cell capacity at n-hr discharge rate [Ah]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- rainflow_Xlt
Rainflow cycle_range of second to last half cycle [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- rainflow_Ylt
Rainflow cycle_range of last half cycle [%]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- rainflow_jlt
Rainflow number of turning points
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- rainflow_peaks
Rainflow peaks of cycle_DOD [[%]]
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- temp_avg
Average temperature for current day [K]
Info: LMO/LTO Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- temp_dt
Temperature cumulated for current day [K]
Info: NMC Life Model
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type: