- PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.default(config) Pvwattsv51ts
Load defaults for the configuration
. Available configurations are:None
Some inputs do not have default values and may be assigned a value from the variable’s Required attribute. See variable attribute descriptions below.
- PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.from_existing(data, optional config) Pvwattsv51ts
Share data with an existing PySAM class. If
optional config
is a valid configuration name, load the module’s defaults for that configuration.
- PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.new() Pvwattsv51ts
- PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.wrap(ssc_data_t) Pvwattsv51ts
Load data from a PySSC object.
Do not call PySSC.data_free on the ssc_data_t provided to
Pvwattsv51ts is a wrapper for the SSC compute module cmod_pvwattsv5_1ts.cpp
Interdependent Variables
The variables listed below are interdependent with other variables. If you change the value of one of these variables, you may need to change values of other variables. The SAM user interface manages these interdependent variables, but in PySAM, it is up to you change the value of all interdependent variables so they are consistent. See Interdependent Variables for examples and details.
- class PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.Pvwattsv51ts
This class contains all the variable information for running a simulation. Variables are grouped together in the subclasses as properties. If property assignments are the wrong type, an error is thrown.
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from nested dictionary, except for Outputs
nested_dict = { 'PVWatts': { var: val, ...}, ...}
- execute(int verbosity) None
Execute simulation with verbosity level 0 (default) or 1
- export() dict
Export attributes into nested dictionary
- get_data_ptr() Pointer
Get ssc_data_t pointer
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from nested dictionary, except for Outputs. Unassigns all values in each Group then assigns from the input dict.
nested_dict = { 'PVWatts': { var: val, ...}, ...}
- unassign(name) None
Unassign a value in any of the variable groups.
- value(name, optional value) None | float | dict | sequence | str
Get or set by name a value in any of the variable groups.
PVWatts Group
- class PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.Pvwattsv51ts.PVWatts
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from dictionary, overwriting but not removing values.
PVWatts_vals = { var: val, ...}
- export() dict
Export attributes into dictionary.
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from dictionary, unassigning values not present in input
.PVWatts_vals = { var: val, ...}
- alb
Albedo [frac]
Required: False. Automatically set to 0.2 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- beam
Beam normal irradiance [W/m2]
Required: True
- Type:
- day
Day [dy]
Info: 1-days in month
Required: True
- Type:
- diffuse
Diffuse irradiance [W/m2]
Required: True
- Type:
- elevation
Elevation [m]
Required: False for configuration with default inputs. May be required if a variable dependent on its value changes. Example: For the Detailed PV - Single Owner configuration, only Subarray 1 is enabled in the configuration defaults, so Subarray 2 inputs would not be required; if Subarray 2 is enabled, then Subarray 2 inputs is required.
- Type:
- hour
Hour [hr]
Info: 0-23
Required: True
- Type:
- lat
Latitude [deg]
Required: True
- Type:
- lon
Longitude [deg]
Required: True
- Type:
- minute
Minute [min]
Info: 0-59
Required: True
- Type:
- month
Month [mn]
Info: 1-12
Required: True
- Type:
- poa
Plane of array irradiance [W/m2]
Info: Output from last time step may be used as input
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- pressure
Pressure [mbars]
Required: False for configuration with default inputs. May be required if a variable dependent on its value changes. Example: For the Detailed PV - Single Owner configuration, only Subarray 1 is enabled in the configuration defaults, so Subarray 2 inputs would not be required; if Subarray 2 is enabled, then Subarray 2 inputs is required.
- Type:
- shaded_percent
Percent of panels that are shaded [%]
Constraints: MIN=0,MAX=100
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- tamb
Ambient temperature (dry bulb temperature) [C]
Required: True
- Type:
- tcell
Module temperature [C]
Info: Output from last time step may be used as input
INOUT: This variable is both an input and an output to the compute module.
- Type:
- time_step
Time step of input data [hr]
Constraints: POSITIVE
Required: False. Automatically set to 1 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- tz
Time zone [hr]
Required: True
- Type:
- wspd
Wind speed [m/s]
Required: True
- Type:
- year
Year [yr]
Required: True
- Type:
SystemDesign Group
- class PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.Pvwattsv51ts.SystemDesign
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from dictionary, overwriting but not removing values.
SystemDesign_vals = { var: val, ...}
- export() dict
Export attributes into dictionary.
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from dictionary, unassigning values not present in input
.SystemDesign_vals = { var: val, ...}
- array_type
Array type [0/1/2/3/4]
Info: Fixed OR,Fixed Roof,1Axis,Backtracked,2Axis
Constraints: MIN=0,MAX=4,INTEGER
Required: True
- Type:
- azimuth
Azimuth angle [deg]
Options: E=90,S=180,W=270
Constraints: MIN=0,MAX=360
Required: array_type<4
- Type:
- dc_ac_ratio
DC to AC ratio [ratio]
Constraints: POSITIVE
Required: False. Automatically set to 1.1 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- gcr
Ground coverage ratio [0..1]
Constraints: MIN=0.01,MAX=0.99
Required: False. Automatically set to 0.4 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- inv_eff
Inverter efficiency at rated power [%]
Constraints: MIN=90,MAX=99.5
Required: False. Automatically set to 96 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- losses
System losses [%]
Info: Total system losses
Constraints: MIN=-5,MAX=99
Required: True
- Type:
- module_type
Module type [0/1/2]
Info: Standard,Premium,Thin film
Constraints: MIN=0,MAX=2,INTEGER
Required: False. Automatically set to 0 if not assigned explicitly or loaded from defaults.
- Type:
- system_capacity
System size (DC nameplate) [kW]
Required: True
- Type:
- tilt
Tilt angle [deg]
Options: H=0,V=90
Constraints: MIN=0,MAX=90
Required: array_type<4
- Type:
Outputs Group
- class PySAM.Pvwattsv51ts.Pvwattsv51ts.Outputs
- assign(dict) None
Assign attributes from dictionary, overwriting but not removing values.
Outputs_vals = { var: val, ...}
- export() dict
Export attributes into dictionary.
- replace(dict) None
Replace attributes from dictionary, unassigning values not present in input
.Outputs_vals = { var: val, ...}
- ac
AC system output [Wac]
- Type:
- dc
DC array output [Wdc]
- Type: